Most times we think that having a proper body measurement and the perfect pattern drafting makes a fitting dress.
That is really not the case.
It is easier to get a perfect fit with the right fabric for the right sewing project.
That is why I will be showing you how to choose the right fabric for your sewing project
Generally, the best fabrics for beginners are medium-weight woven fabrics.
That is because these are quite easy to handle.
Different fabrics have different fiber content, texture, drape color, and size of print.
All this plays an important role when sewing a particular pattern style. That is why most commercial patterns have valuable suggestions on the fabric type to use.
This is so that when you sew the style on the pattern, it turns out perfect.
If you check the back envelope of a pattern style you will find a lot of information.
This includes a full list of appropriate fabrics to be used.

Sometimes the volume of fabric to be used is also included.
So no matter the kind of sewing project you need, there is always a fabric suitable for it. For instance, if you buy stiff and bulky fabrics, it is usually difficult to sew with.On the other hand, light fabrics are easy to sew.
They are therefore the best choice for beginners.
This blog post contains affiliate links, which, when you click and purchase a product, will earn me a commission at no cost to you.Please note that I have worked with this products, and that is why I recommend them to you. I have found them to be quite useful in my sewing projects
There are different kinds of sewing projects.There are sewing styles for different body types. sewing projects can also be for males or females, or children. You can even decide to sew a straight ,flare or pleated skirt,leggings, suits and so on.
All these require there own special kinds of fabric.
That is why you need to choose the right fabric for your sewing project. Without the right fabric, all the effort you put in the sewing projects will end up being a waste. That is because the end product will not meet your expectations.
Choosing the right fabric is so important in sewing.Unfortunately, a lot of emphasis is not placed on this. Making professional-fitting clothes involves a lot of steps. When one of the steps is not properly followed, the end result will be disappointing. Choosing the right fabric is the recipe for a successful sewing project.
For instance, if you want to sew children’s wear or casual clothing, buying calico cotton is best.
This is because it is a lightweight plain weave fabric that launders well.Because it is so light, it looks good with any children’s pattern styles. But let’s say you want to make a slack for yourself.
Using calico cotton may not be suitable for this kind of project.
Chino fabric might be a better choice. Chino is a medium-weight fabric with a slight sheen. This fabric is most ideal for slacks, and it can also be used for sewing work clothes, especially if it is dyed in dark blue or black.
Some weeks back, I created a female blazer pattern. I wanted to sew a blazer for myself.For that kind of project, I cannot use any kind of fabric.
I had to go in search of Woven cashmere fabric.This type of fabric is ideal for making coats, jackets and blazers.
There are a lot of things to consider when choosing the right fabric. First and foremost is what kind of sewing project you want to undertake.
Take time to decide on the perfect fabric for your needs.If your are making childrens

wears, light weight corduroy fabric is also very good.
Once you have settled that, the next is to consider the weight of the fabric.
Fabrics are measured in grams per square meter (GSM).This only helps you to know how heavy or light a material is.
Essentially, fabrics can be classified into light, medium, or heavy weight. This is dependent on how heavy or light the fabric is.
Another thing to bear in mind is the drape of the fabric. This is normally the ability of the fabric to flow.
For instance, if you want to sew a flared skirt or dress,It is better to go for a fabric that drapes very well. Silky knits will drape beautifully as a flared dress.
Another thing that is very important when choosing your fabric is the elasticity of the fabric.Fabric elasticity is the ability of a fabric to stretch.
Different fabrics have different stretching abilities.
Let’s say you have a wonderful body type and you want to sew a dress that clinks to your curves. Stretch fabrics is great for such pattern styles.
To measure the stretch of your fabric, take about 10 cm of your fabric. Hold it over a pattern ruler. Hold one end on the zero mark and stretch the other end until you feel resistance. If fabric stretches up to 15 cm, then that is 50% stretch.
The last but not the least is to consider the fabric volume.Most patterns give you information on the volume of material you will need for a particular style.An example is the lutterloh patterns.I have a short video about that.
That not withstanding, it is good to know that different fabrics are sold in different volumes. Cotton and linen fabrics are sold in standard widths of 36 inches (90 cm) to 45 inches (120 cm) and sometimes 54 inches (130 cm) or 60 inches (150 cm).
Wollen is normally measured about 60 inches (150 cm) wide. Knit fabrics, however are available in widths from 56 inches (140 cm) to 60 inches (150 cm). Some African prints popularly called “Ankara” are usually sold in two different sizes. 37 inches (94 cm) by 45in (120cm)or cm) or 37 inches (94 cm) by 60 inches (150 cm).
When you have a sewing project, getting the fabric you need is not enough. It is important to buy the adequate volume of fabrics that will complete your project.
Those are my tips on how to choose the right fabric for your sewing project. In addition to these, don’t always trust your “eye “when selecting a fabric to match the colour of another fabric. For example, a shade of purple might be difficult to visualise mentality. Bring the original garment with you to the fabric store to be sure the fabrics are compatible.
Finally, when you want to store your fabric at home, it is better you roll the fabric and store it rather than folding it. This will prevent creases on your fabric that might be difficult to remove. Paying attention to all these details will ensure the success of your sewing project.
Do you have any other tips you use to choose your fabrics?.Drop your comments below. Or do you have challenges when choosing a suitable fabric for your sewing project?feel free to ask your questions below.I hope you have gotten 1 or 2 tips from this blood post. Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest for mor sewing tips.